A Place of Calm in the Storm.

Your Church, Business, or Community Group Can Support Regional Disaster Response.


Pre-position relief supplies

We can pre-package relief supplies for you to purchase or provide a list of important items -- water, food, PPE, and other equipment -- to support a CRR deployment in your region, or alternatively you can use during crisis for your own organization.

Host training for your organization, church, or local community

Team building with a purpose! We can come to you and provide disaster relief training for your leadership team or members, or host a larger training session for people in your area.

Work with local communities during and after disaster

If a disaster strikes your region, we would rely on you as a hub of operations, coordinating volunteers from the wider region and utilizing pre-positioned supplies. We would also work with you to provide continuing support to affected communities.

Interested? Register Using the Form Below.

Crisis Relief and Recovery Inc. is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt corporation and a Pennsylvania registered charitable corporation.    EIN 86-3064202